Taking meaningful steps to improve our planet doesn’t have to be complicated…

At fairly.earth we believe in making your stewardship impactful, effective and cost efficient. By partnering at project level, all intermediaries are cut out. As we are driven by social and environmental change, we pass those savings on to you.

Uganda Filter Project

The Uganda Filter project tackles two of the most pressing issues humanity currently faces: The World Water Crisis and Global Warming. Providing household clean water filters in rural Uganda means people gain access to safe clean water in their homes. Eradicating traditional purification methods saves thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions generating top level Gold Standard Carbon Credits.

The generated credits can be put to use balancing your carbon footprint, reinvested, or sold on the Carbon Market.

With 15+ years’ experience in the clean water sector and a decade in the carbon arena, fairly.earth offers an unparalleled chance to drive social change for people and our planet, actively advancing multiple sustainable development goals, all delivered at incredible value